Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Beginning- Take 2

So it's been like 4 years since I started this fact I totally forgot that I even started it.  I have been thinking for awhile that I wanted to throw my hand into the blogging world- mostly just to blog about my life and what my crazy kiddos have been up to, the awesome things I find on Pinterest (which is my newest obsession), the music that has me thinking these days etc. etc. I guess whatever happens to come to mind. -and decided to sign up tonight.  Lo and behold- here's a blog that I had already started.  I did change the backgrounds, fonts, colors and layout etc tonight to update it.  :) Here goes nothing. I can't promise anything, but I am going to give it a whirl and see what happens.  I think first things first- an updated picture of my family as the last time I blogged, there was only 1 sweet boy in my life.  Now there are 2 sweet boys in my life and I am thankful for them EVERYDAY! I love them to pieces and they are for sure the loves of my life!
Dom & Eastie soaking up the sun!

I am still learning how to figure out how to do everything, so I apologize if something doesn't work or look right. Well I guess this is it for now.. Looking forward to keeping this up and seeing what happens.. Ta Ta for Now! :)

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